Tourism activity in India has found a niche for itself as an effective instrument for generating employment, earning revenue and foreign exchange, preserving environment, culture and tradition thereby facilitating overall development. It is a labor intensive service industry with many functional divisions like Airlines, Shipping and Cruise lines, Hotels, Travel agencies, tour operating companies, Resorts/ Spas, Theme parks, Car/Coach rental companies, Money changers, Hospitals (medical tourism) etc. The institute is constantly trying to excel well in the operation of the following academic elements which is the key to successful human resource development in Tourism and Hospitality.
Introduction to Travel & Tourism Industry
Business Travel & Tourism
Management of the Hospitality Industry
Leisure & Tourism Economics
Principles of Hotel Management & Operations
Understanding Travel Agency Practice
Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management in Hospitality
E-Commerce in Travel & Tourism
Sales & Marketing for Travel & Tourism Industry
Consumer Behavior in Travel & Tourism Industry
Human Resource Management in Travel & Tourism
Revenue Management for Hospitality
Cultural Tourism
Managing Quality Service in Travel & Tourism
Financial Analysis & Economics for Travel Industry
Social Media in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
How to Promote your Tourism Business
Principles of Hotel Management
Front Office Operations & Management
Events Management
Events Marketing
Events Project Management
How to plan & Deliver an Event
English for Travel & Tourism
French Language for Travel & Tourism
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